Performing adjoint optimization in Khepri. For starters, we are just optimizing a uniform slab.
How to use my RCWA library to simulate displacement-sensitive photonic crystal slabs
Trying to get Julia fractal to run fast in python. Mainly using numba is the standard way possible.
Basic OpenMP usage illustrated by computing the Julia fractal set
Comment sauvegarder une image lisible rapidement et uniquement en utilisant le compilateur Fortran!
Utilisation des tables en fortran pour opérations sur matrices et données groupées.
Manuel d'utilisation du logiciel d'analyse 4+1 canaux.
Let's discover (variational) autoencoders and get going with a simple Tensorflow implementation.
A code for online classification of videos and images. PATHOS puts frames around faces and classifies the facials expressions using a CNN. The CNN was trained on the Affectnet dataset.
A lightweight ForTran IDE designed to help students at the University of Namur learn programming.
In this issue, we will go through the implementation of a simple `cuda` kernel for computing the Poisson equation.